I was overly aware of my response the night I saw Moby-Dick at the Met. I don’t know the first thing about opera and, more ...
Three UVa graduate students have been awarded $3,500 each as part of the Battestin Fellowship program so they can pursue bibliographical research.
Over the course of four weeks, local scholars are getting the opportunity to engage in discussion led by Harvard literature professor Theo Theoharis about how writers have borne witness to the ...
Columnist Kristin Neva writes that, with her husband's ALS, it feels like they're living in the middle of a long story with no resolution.
Looking for a New England destination that is culturally rich and overflowing with pastoral beauty? A place that impresses ...
The beauty and increasingly complicated society of the Maine Coast sure draws novelists. The latest of note is Caleb Mason’s ...
Area residents are invited to celebrate Bristol Community College’s 60th anniversary at the school’s Foundation Gala from 6 ...
Take the Moby Dick road there for example, or the Moby Dick pub, or even the Moby Golf Course. There are even roads such as ...
For millions of us, a trip to Starbucks is as routine as a visit to the grocery store. Heck, tons of grocery stores have ...
NYU Langone is now in talks about siting "a major hospital" at the Canon USA Inc. headquarters in Melville, the health system ...
Those that take part in the hunt for the matter are mostly involuntary labor." Last fall, it was reported that powerhouse ...
EWN has reliably learned that Hawks’ CATS are investigating Zayd Gangat, who is understood to have links to the Melville shooting, which claimed the lives of two people and saw six others injured.