Kamala Harris, once openly opposed to the death penalty despite political costs, now avoids the topic as a candidate.
Praying the Rosary, recounting Jesus’ life through repeated Hail Marys, invites reflection and quiet space, embracing the ...
A wooden or starchy demeanor, excessively formal presentation, disconnected homily, an uninspiring celebration of the ...
A goodwill message to Hindus highlighted the Vatican's commitment to fostering harmony across religious and cultural divides, ...
In Nepal, Mha Puja, a tradition honoring the body and spirit, strengthens family bonds, recounts our columnist Yann Vagneux, ...
At a Christian-Islamic summit in Lebanon, religious leaders condemned escalating Israeli attacks and called for national ...
Clandestine canoe departures from Senegal to Spain have sharply increased in recent months. Along this perilous migration ...
Digital data on genetic resources, widely used by companies to develop their products, does not compensate the countries or ...
The conflict is degrading the environment of a country that is already among the most vulnerable in the world to climate ...
Interrogé en marge du Synode sur la synodalité, le cardinal Fridolin Ambongo, archevêque de Kinshasa, s'est dit « ouvert » à ...
Le supérieur provincial des Salésiens au Congo a été arrêté dans des conditions irrégulières mi-octobre à Kinshasa.
Représentant du patriarche orthodoxe de Moscou Kirill,Constantin de Zaraïsk a visité mercredi 23 octobre une paroisse béninoise entrée dans son giron. S'inscrivant dans une tournée africaine deConstan ...