The Knicks’ grueling Wednesday-Thursday back-to-back in San Antonio and Charlotte marked their 14th and 15th games since the ...
Tiffany's Law would allow cities the power to close down toll roads when city leaders believe the roads are unsafe for travel ...
WASHINGTON (AP) — The FBI is warning Americans not to respond to scam road toll collection texts after receiving more than ...
An onslaught of unsolicited texts to Americans’ phones in recent months claiming they owe unpaid tolls and E-ZPass bills is ...
NCDOT’s ultimate vision is to upgrade Capital Boulevard north of Intestate 540 to a freeway with no stoplights, no left turns ...
Brookfield Asset Management Inc. is taking Peru to arbitration, alleging Peru has illegally expropriated a series of toll ...
A new study recommends turning Capital Boulevard into a toll road between Interstate 540 in north Raleigh and the Franklin ...
Rumors are swirling online that the city of Rancho Palos Verdes will implement a toll on Palos Verdes Drive South, one of the ...
Land movement has taken a heavy toll on the area’s main thoroughfare. The city plans to study the idea of a toll road but ...
The switch to open road tolling began in January on the eastern part of the state. It's expected to launch in western ...
Mayor Jones is also chair of the North Carolina Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO.) Because of the delay in construction Mayor Jones says CAMPO requested a toll study that will be ...
Tollway companies across the United States are raising awareness about the resurgence of a text message phishing scam ...