Former student Megan DeMaagd worked with Spanish Professor Ed Miller on a research project involving the Afro-Hispanic Newspapers of Argentina and Uruguay. Student Jessica Koranda also worked on this ...
Afro-Argentines, and migrant communities.” “Argentina has developed a comprehensive legal framework for the elimination of racial discrimination and the equal enjoyment of rights for all ...
Mi papá apoya mi militancia afro pero no puede ver aún el machismo ... Posted by Archivo General de la Nación Argentina on Monday, January 28, 2019 "En el camino fue complicado acceder a ...
Ella es activista del movimiento afro, gestora cultural y productora audiovisual. “Soy hija de Elsa y Conrado, dos afrouruguayos que se conocieron en un baile. En Uruguay decimos que venimos de ...
He is currently involved in producing a collection of Argentina Diaz Lozano’s short stories published in Honduran and Guatemalan newspapers from 1945-1980, and in a volume of literature published by ...
The second annual Afro Latino Film Festival ... which is about two women who have migrated from Bolivia to Argentina and share their stories with other women there. Jan. 18 has a three-short ...
La Eucaristía fue presidida por el arzobispo de Feira de Santana, Mons. Zanoni Castro. Luego de la celebración, se anunció el Encuentro Pastoral Afro (EPA), que se realizará en esa ciudad. Miembros de ...