bb is the color's blue component. The components are given as hexadecimal ... do not have a predefined SAS color name by using the RGB, HLS, HSV, CMYK, or gray-scale color-naming schemes. Predefined ...
The logo .zip file contains files that have been optimized for print (CMYK and PMS ... Our primary palette consists of PBS Blue, secondary blues, and White, as well as primary and secondary ...
When using colors in digital application, be mindful of accessible color combinations. Brandeis’ primary brand color is a dark navy blue called “Brandeis Blue.” Brandeis Blue represents the university ...
The Block N logo is a unit comprised of our N within a perfect square on a field of blue (or black, in a black-and-white design ... changing the proportions or altering the color palette. The ...
CMYK stands for Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Key (Black), while RBY stands for Red, Blue, and Yellow. CMYK is more commonly ...