IN spite of all that has been and will be said and written against it, the practice of keeping birds in confinement is so popular and so wide-spread, that there is no chance of its coming to an end.
ELKHART COUNTY, Ind (WBND-LD) — The Indiana State Board of Animal Health (BOAH) has announced that a commercial duck breeder in Elkhart is under quarantine after bird flu was recently detected.
Vijayawada: The ongoing bird flu outbreak in Andhra Pradesh has severely impacted poultry farms, forcing breeders of the prized Aseel roosters to take drastic measures to safeguard their flock.
Heritage Breeders, a subsidiary of Perdue Farms Inc., offers birds that deliver the highest white meat yields available. The company offers the Heritage 32 broiler breeder female and the Heritage 78 ...