When you purchase a luxury automobile that costs a lot of money, you expect it to last. You might even expect a seamless ...
A T8, all 455hp of it, just to get the full big Volvo estate experience. And while the full story of that is to follow, it ...
P atent documentation was recently published by the USPTO for a revolutionary new Ferrari engine showcasing oval- or ...
MS Dhoni is a renowned motorcycle enthusiast. He owns several high-end sports bikes, including the road-legal version of an ...
Looks like Ferrari has submitted a patent design for a new V12 that uses oval-shaped pistons. Pistons, as you're probably ...
Noonan Race Engines builds a lot of pushrod V8s, but this billet V10 has an 8,500-rpm redline and mates to a Lambo ...
The engine is the heart of any car. Check out which car brands have earned a reputation for building the most reliable ...
As thrilling as the spine-tingling, naturally aspirated four-cylinder engine in the Honda S2000 is, the roadster has gained ...
Although Ferrari’s patent only specifies the engine would have at least two cylinders, one of the drawings shows a V12. The ...
The 2.0-liter is smaller and lighter than Toyota's current engines, thanks to a shorter piston ... cylinder is good for 300 ...
If unlikely to ever be recalled as fondly as some pre-VW models, there’s also no escaping the fact that current-day Bentley ...
Overseas models shown Though it features the same turbocharged 3.0-litre inline six-cylinder engine as the previous E53, ...