I’ve never seen this verse on a T-shirt or a billboard ... try telling your non-Christian friends that you’re a saint. Most people think of sainthood as something earned, but that’s unBiblical. In the ...
By hating this world, you don’t put the things of this world in front of God,” says Enoch, 10. “This is how you earn rewards in God’s kingdom.” ...
This might explain why he didn’t put his hand on either Bible he had at his swearing ... but when it comes down to it, basic Christian values are laid out in the New Testament.
Now people are questioning that gesture, and wondering if the president can be sworn in without using a Bible. The answer is quite simple: Yes. Here’s why. Article VI, Clause 3 of the U.S ...
Property News: The suburbs where house prices will rise most when interest rates fall. © 2025 Nine Entertainment Co.
People who are curious about the Christian faith and pose questions regarding the Bible and how it came to be canonized will discover the controversy regarding the lost gospels that were not included.
The answer is clear: It is not. Trump’s character and policies in no way reflect truly Christian values. His failure to place his hand on the Bible serves as a symbolic gesture — whether intentional ...
WASHINGTON – President-elect Donald Trump had his left hand down at his side – and not on one of the two Bibles his wife, Melania, held up for him – during his swearing-in ceremony.
Some onlookers observed that President Donald Trump didn't place his hand on the Bible when sworn in at his inauguration, prompting questions about how the Bible traditionally factors into the ...
There’s no requirement under the U.S. Constitution for placing one’s hand on a Bible while taking the presidential oath ... Trump has often infused his public persona with Christian imagery, earning ...
However, some on social media have wondered if Trump failed to correctly take his oath by doing so without a hand on the Bible. VERIFY reader Ruth emailed us to ask about Trump’s oath.