Pretty far from the pulse.” That was the comment someone on social media wrote below a photo of me getting arrested at an anti-nuclear protest near the ...
Three goals are being pursued with Germany’s massive rearmament offensive: Breaking free from military dependence on the US, ...
Columbia University professor and MSU graduate school alum Peter Clement spoke to MSU students and staff about Putin and his ...
No longer is there any pretense that the United States stands for the ideals that inspired it for 250 years. Europe and the rest of the world need to adjust.
The Triad is on track to be home to North Carolina’s first new nuclear power plant in nearly four decades. Duke Energy plans to file an initial permit application with the federal Nuclear ...
Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, occupied by Russian forces since the early days of the war, could be restored and ...
A minute-by-minute guide on how to survive a nuclear bomb attack, and ways to be prepared for war.
Congress failed to pass legislation to compensate those poisoned by nuclear weapons activities. Meanwhile, money is flowing ...
With the Ukraine War and the retreat of the United States from what has routinely been called Europe’s security architecture, ...
For the foreseeable future a conventional approach to defence, perhaps backed by British and French nuclear assets, remains ...
Expanding the nuclear-sharing program to Warsaw would send a clear message to Putin: any attack on Poland would be a ...
It’s a new day in Europe. Gone are the halcyon years of unshakeable American commitment to Europe’s defense against Russia.