Like many of the best car logos, the Tesla logo was originally conceived to look good on the front of vehicles, which it why ...
Companies spend millions developing logos to represent a brand. Some of them have hidden meanings steeped in the history and ...
Monogram logos, which feature stylized initials or letters, are among the most iconic and memorable types of branding. They ...
Logos aren’t just there to look pretty or to label your brand; they should be designed purposefully, with meaning behind each ...
Every time you present your business to the world ... take to our design partner and actually brief them on creating our brand identity, our logo and colors and fonts, and then eventually the ...
Brands are moving away from complicated, cluttered logos and embracing simple, clean designs that convey the essence of their company with just basic shapes and fonts. But what exactly constitutes a ...
Imagine Ford’s logo, and you’re likely to recall the script font and blue oval ... The early-rate deadline for Fast Company’s Innovation by Design Awards is Friday, March 21, at 11:59 ...
Provides Font Awesome for Jenkins Plugins. Font Awesome has vector icons and social logos, according to their self-perception, it is the web’s most popular icon set and toolkit. Currently, it contains ...
Facebook, the company, just changed its logo and is putting the new design all over its products to show that they are different than Facebook, the app. The new logo, unveiled Monday, features a ...