It's known for its mighty five-metre beasts, but this Darwin crocodile park also brings hundreds of baby hatchlings into the ...
Just 25 years ago, experts feared that the Siamese crocodile might no longer exist outside zoos and the crocodile farms that ...
A SCHOOL boy was brutally mauled to death by a crocodile while playing in a river with pals. Fikri Qurniawansyah, 10, was ...
Speaking to ST, Koo shared that he initially thought the crocodile came from Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve when he noticed it ...
One of the nation’s foremost croc experts has thrown his support behind hosting the Olympics 2032 rowing event on the Fitzroy ...
BUDONG-BUDONG, Indonesia (AP) — Nearly seven months after a crocodile attack almost took her life, Munirpa walked to the ...
Crocodile farms in the Northern Territory pay big money for wild eggs collected by Indigenous rangers. But many wild eggs have had unviable embryos this wet season due to hotter-than-usual weather ...