Do you want shiny and long hair during the summer? Try this 4-ingredient homemade hair mask made of honey, curd, egg, and ...
Aloe vera gel and curd hair mask hydrates and adds shine to the hair due to its minerals, vitamins, and antioxidant ...
Mix half a cup of the curd with equal portions of honey and aloe vera until you have a smooth paste. Apply the mask on your ...
Reverse hair thinning with a natural and nourishing solution. Know the benefits of a green tea and curd mask for a healthier ...
Mix half a cup of the curd with equal portions of honey and olive oil until you have a smooth paste. Apply the mask on your ...
This article describes the various hair masks that can be made with the help of curd and many other natural items. 1. Yogurt with Vinegar: If someone is suffering from dandruff, then they should ...
Get healthier, shinier, and stronger hair with these 10 easy DIY hair masks! Using natural ingredients like coconut oil, aloe ...
It’s that time of the year when we don’t care about dirty clothes and simply focus on playing with vibrant hues and water ...
Struggling to remove stubborn Holi colors from your skin and hair? Try these easy, natural remedies to restore your glow ...