Dalek Sec Hybrid was largely human in appearance, though his head – with its single eye, exposed brain and fronds on each side – incorporated clear echoes of a Time War-style mutant.
One human, Theodore Maxtible, was converted to think and act like a Dalek. Dalek Sec's experiments took the process far further, changing the very nature of the human DNA. The destruction of Skaro ...
Dalek Caan became the last Dalek in existence following the deaths of Sec, Jast and Thay. Taking it upon himself to save his race, he flew into the heart of the Time War and rescued Davros ...
The Cult Of Skaro That's now two members now of the former 'Cult of Skaro' that have seen the Daleks for what they truly are - first Dalek Sec in Evolution of the Daleks (2007), and now Dalek Caan.