DEAR ABBY: Two years ago, one of my best friends took her life. I’d known her since we were in our freshman year. We dated ...
My siblings and I are estranged. I live in a different state. My brother and I never got along and stopped speaking many ...
My siblings and I are estranged. I live in a different state. My brother and I never got along and stopped speaking many years ago. My older sister ...
My estranged sisters insist on texting me birthday wishes. Because of this, I feel obligated to send them a birthday text as ...
DEAR ABBY: I was raped by a family member and, due to special circumstances, told no one except one other family member, who I swore to secrecy. She recently got mad at me because of my religious ...
Dear Abby advises a woman who is upset that her husband didn't do anything on her birthday, even though they went on vacation a week prior. DEAR ABBY: My husband took me on a trip for my birthday ...
DEAR ABBY: I have a problem with my daughter-in-law. I know she loves me, but I don’t think she likes me. An example: Yesterday, I met her and my son at my granddaughter’s dance recital.
DEAR ABBY: I taught tennis lessons at a private club for 41 years. Then came the pandemic. I was furloughed and not asked to return to work. I wasn’t given the usual parting acknowledgement that ...
Dear Abby’s sage advice gathered a lot of readers to her columns in 2024. Many of the top columns were about strained family relationships and marriage breakups. But the top column this year was ...
DEAR ABBY: I think the world of “Celia,” my best friend of 25 years. She has been there for me through many major ups and downs in my life. She is beautiful inside and out, well-educated and ...
A reader says her friend’s boyfriend provides nothing and she is sick of lending them money. Dear Abby: I think the world of “Celia,” my best friend of 25 years. She has been there for me ...
DEAR ABBY: Six months ago, I began seeing a man I like very much but don’t want to be intimate with. We are in our “young” 70s, and both of us were widowed two years ago after 50-year marriages.