If restarting doesn’t work then there could be an issue with your Schedule 1 game files. Luckily, you can verify them pretty ...
A lot of the gameplay in Schedule 1 is about making deliveries across town before time runs out. One of the most convenient ...
The sidequests were the best part of Diablo IV, encapsulating the franchise's appeal with their darker atmosphere and strong ...
Nicastro points out that the T-1000 “breaks a lot of the rules of the game.” Where other characters can have their bones ...
Diablo 4 is still one of the games I find myself playing multiple times a week, and now we know to expect a second expansion ...
The Sorceress is similar to the same Wizard class in Diablo 3 and Diablo 1 and represents the game ... off trying out either the Barbarian or Paladin. Additionally, you’ll want to put a ...
What are the Path of Exile 2 classes? The class you pick in Path of Exile 2 will define how you play the game. Some classes are glass cannons that opt to attack foes from a distance, while others ...
Fights feel more tactical, with Paladin characters generally doing lower damage with higher mobility. This results in edge-of-your-seat confrontations that last minutes, instead of Pharah's ...
Make your way to the ground, and the Sturdy Chest #1 is right there between the mushrooms ... Jump ability or any various travel power. As a Paladin, I used Divine Steed to increase my jump ...
Diablo 4 has another event on the horizon, but with some (permanent) inclusions to the title that may look a little familiar. Yes, the March of the Goblins may run from March 4 to March 11, but these ...
Diablo 4’s much-anticipated Season 8 has been pushed back by two weeks, to add a little polish. The good news, if you’re a long-time Diablo player, is that Blizzard is teasing the return of an ...
The Undermine(d) patch for World of Warcraft, also known as Patch 11.1, is finally upon us, and it boasts a slew of new content, class changes, and content alterations. It’s set to be a busy few ...