Daggerheart offers multiple classes and subclasses to choose from, but these are the ones I am most excited to play as.
Hero Forge has a new Kickstarter campaign to let gamers create custom dice to make more personalized gaming sessions.
"Goshen & Dragons" will offer its full day of playing "Dungeons & Dragons" to those 12 and older. Friday night see a live ...
Wizards of the Coast has finally created a 3D virtual version of Dungeons and Dragons, and it would have been revolutionary - in 2020.
The fan-created Dungeons & Dragons LEGO set is available now - along with a custom campaign centered on its red dragon.
Trion Worlds' Defiance was an odd duck. It launched in 2013 alongside a TV show tie-in with the same name, set on a future ...
The exercise of fantasy is to imagine other ways of life,” says one of the role-players during a Dungeons & Dragons marathon, ...
The seminal tabletop role-playing game’s first internally produced 3D virtual tabletop (VTT) app is finally live, and it ...
Get ready to roll the dice and shuffle the deck! Harbor Game Con, Brookings' premier gaming convention, is set to return for ...
Read our review of The Habits at Hampstead Theatre Downstairs. Jack Bradfield's gentle, heart-warming story about the power ...
Delightful dungeon crawling roguelike Dice and Fold launches its new pirate update, adding three heroes plus new items, ...
With arcane magic and a 3d printer, Hero Forge can print dice with your DnD character’s head inside them - but are they ...