Archaeologists have uncovered hidden remains under Egyptian pyramids, challenging long-held beliefs about burial traditions in Ancient Egypt.
Archaeologists have unearthed a 2,600-year-old stash of gold jewelry and artifacts at Karnak Temple in Luxor, Egypt. The collection, buried in a pot, includes a rare statuette of three gods, which may ...
Posing elegantly before the historic Muhammad Ali Mosque, Farida Fahmy, renowned Egyptian dancer and co-founder of the iconic ...
There's more to wearing the "niqab" -- the austere, all-covering veil favored by ultra-religious Muslim women -- than meets the eye. A recent declaration by a leading Egyptian cleric that women will ...
Dr. Mohamed El Sherif, Chairman of Pyramids Group, said that the Cairo Mother & La Pyjama exhibition represents an important event for the Egyptian clothing industry, especially since it provides ...