There are three main ways: disenchanting enchanted items you find (which also lets you 'learn' the enchantment), enchanting ... the College of Winterhold, and dungeons all over Skyrim.
P.N.: reportedly CyberWarriorX and SamIAm are still working privately on this project, and since this was forked many years ago it does not reflect the current status of their project. Btw since this ...
The No-Life Rod is perfect for those who have played this game non-stop and successfully crossed the 500-level cap. For them, the perfect enchantments include Resilient, Divine, and Lucky.
The first DnD Dungeon Master’s Guide for 5e aimed to be a complete companion to the person running the campaign. It offers extensive advice on building your own dungeons and worlds to play in, and its ...
Monsters are an important part of a Dungeons & Dragons session. There are multiple books devoted to finding the right monster to challenge your players during a climactic battle. So why not choose ...
Dungeons and Dragons has been shaking up the status quo lately thanks to a few additions and updates to its core rules. These changes began last year thanks to updated versions of the Dungeon ...
There are 10 common and seven rare DnD languages in fifth edition. The most widely-used 5e languages are Common, Dwarvish, Elvish, Giant, Gnomish, Goblin, Halfling, Orc, Draconic, and Common Sign ...