Every seven seconds we hear it — the long, drawn out “hooooooo” of one of the world’s rarest birds. The Grenada Dove may be shy, elusive and critically endangered, but it’s cooing its heart out on ...
New esearch shows Aotearoa has been increasingly accepting new bird species from around the world since the start of the Ice Age, offering clues into future migration patterns.
When landscapes change, exotic species take advantage of new habitats. Such a pulse of colonisation coincided with the Ice ...
Bird flu infects many species, including wild animals, according to the United Nations. Ducks, quail and at least one eagle ...
Ah, the thrill of the chase! Spotting an elusive bird is a birder's dream. These feathered phantoms can be tricky to find, ...
More than two dozen parrots have been seized, and three people arrested, after raids in Greater Manchester this morning ...
A petition with more than 400 signatures wants the Woodbridge Council to establish a animal welfare ordinance to ban zoos ...
Looking for a unique date activity? A Sumter County animal sanctuary is offering unique experiences like painting and yoga while adding some wildlife like deer, anteaters and even lemurs to the mix.
Along the long road from American icon to endangered species and back again, the bald eagle — national bird of the United ...
The canaries are inexpensive birds you can get at almost any pet store. Mandarin Ducks are small, exotic-looking ducks found in lakes and parks, usually with nearby trees. Mainly found in pairs or ...
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