If there's a core takeaway from eight decades' worth of stock market correction and bear market data for Wall Street's most widely followed stock index -- other than that history tends to rhyme on ...
Bellingham Public Schools laid off 80 certificated staff due to budget challenges in 2023. Budget challenges are a common occurrence statewide, as districts face challenging budget years. The ...
This calendar includes ... January 20, Tuesday: First day of classes. January 26, Monday: Last day to enroll, add a course, or drop a course without tuition billing while remaining enrolled for the ...
When: Hempfield school board meeting, March 11. Vice President Pat Wagner and board member Richard Garber were absent.
Calendar: The board also approved the district calendar for the 2025-26 school year. The first student day will be Aug. 20 and the last ... Jan. 19, Feb. 16, March 16 and May 25.
OAKLAND — The approved Garrett County Public Schools 2025-26 school calendar ... met in January and February. The approved calendar includes a post-Labor Day start, with students returning to school ...
Peace River School Division has set its calendar for the next school year. At its regular meeting Feb. 20, the board approved the calendar for 2025-06, says a PRSD news release published Feb. 24. The ...
The Lawrence school board on Monday approved the 2025-26 calendar that mostly aligns elementary, middle and high schools, increases instructional time, and adopts a new approach to inclement weather ...
The Lawrence school board on Monday will learn where the district is with its instructional hours following several snow days and consider approving the 2025-26 district calendar. So far during the ...
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Two violations reported Feb. 20. The following reported item was considered ... Note: Inspector returned Feb. 26, and several violations had been corrected. But two new violations and two repeat ...