ASCO: Without Permission” is director Travis Gutiérrez Senger's latest documentary and executive produced by Gael Garcia ...
In 2020, live music, along with the rest of the world, went into lockdown. With tours cancelled and no shows to review, ...
While self-serious post-grunge and nu-metal bands dominated the rock scene in 2003, UK rockers The Darkness burst onto the ...
IPR’s Cece Mitchell documented her experience at Girls Rock! Des Moines' annual We Rock music retreat, an adult version of ...
The rock scene in the 1970s was rife with experimentation. Revisit some of the best rock sub-genres of the 1970s.
Bands not solo acts; debut album released before 1980 (about when the classic rock radio format began); three or more studio ...
Foreigner is replacing frontman Kelly Hansen with guest vocalist Geordie Brown for a series of new Canadian tour dates.
Not all band's beginnings are perfect as sometimes their original sound doesn’t sell as well; however, some tweaks can change ...
Gary Claydon: One of those bands that were in the right place at the right time. The early noughties rock and metal scene was ...
Before HIM cornered the market in Finnish goth metal, Helsinki’s The 69 Eyes had the elegantly wasted after-midnight look and ...
Get your monthly fix of all things music, with issues filled with news,reviews,interviews and more Every issue delivered ...
Spread the love Rock and roll, with its rich history and diverse subgenres, has produced countless masterpieces over the ...