Golden Retrievers, who famously have a lot of joint pain as they age, can benefit from canine massage therapy. It helps ...
A vet has issued a warning to all cat and dog owners to keep an eye out for sings their pets may have fleas, with infestations at this time of ...
A mum has cautioned dog walkers to be watchful of snakes after her family’s golden retriever had to be saved with expensive ...
Hudson the Golden Retriever dog has his TikTok followers doing a double take with his latest video... what the heck is going ...
Frank the golden retriever went viral on TikTok for a clip a of the dog eagerly greeting a delivery driver, which is normal ...
Carr, 27, thought she was going on a routine countryside walk with her family and dogs, before the run-in with the reptile ...
He used all his mouth strength to lift the stick, which was longer than him, but, as the owner wrote in the video, "he was ...
Golden Retrievers are one of the most common family dogs in the world for a reason: they're great with kids. Just one Golden ...
The American Kennel Club list noted the Cane Corso as a dog breed to watch, because it moved up the list from 47th in 2014 to ...
Puppies initially need a full series of shots, but once grown, they may not need boosters as often as is typically recommended.
Kevin the golden retriever couldn't resist interrupting his owner as she tried to show her newest purchase, as he hilariously ...