Former Grant County Fire Chief, Kevin Whitaker accused of forgery and depositing over $30,000 into petty cash accounts for an alleged 'gambling addiction'.
An investigation into former Grant County Fire Chief Kevin Whitaker has been completed and submitted to the Grant County Prosecuting Attorney for potential criminal charges.
As of Tuesday, 35.78% of eligible voters in five Grant County school districts cast ballots in the February special election, ...
Martin County is adding 28 new firefighters to the ranks and a $5.8 million Federal Emergency Management Agency's Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) grant is helping to pay ...
The Santa Barbara City Fire Department has received a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) to purchase new extrication equipment. Known as the “jaws of life,” first responders use ...
Lake Village Fire Department members attended Jan. 31 training on the LUCAS 3 chest compression device.
QUINCY — Emergency medical services in Grant County Fire District 3, what they cost and their future in the Quincy area, will be the subject of a study commissioned by the fire district and its EMS ...
The Oregon Land Conservation and Development Commission decides to postpone release of a sage grouse habitat maps for Grant County, following resistance from county residents who fear those maps ...
crews have filled 22 40-yard dumpsters with invasive plants and fire-prone brush. The project is funded by a $1.4 million state grant from the San Diego River Conservancy and aims to remove brush ...
The Contra Costa County Fire Protection District is rolling out a new state-of-the-art fire rig, but it won't be used to fight fires. The 2002 re-purposed fire engine will instead be used to ...
The state unveiled its revamped fire relief website on Thursday, offering a one-stop shop to help Los Angeles County firestorm survivors access vital services. Fire victims can use the website to ...