One small act can create abundant change and even result in a prosperous outcome. You may decide to invest money into the crypto market or create an app others can use. Do you have a business or ...
You're pretty good at seeing something before it happens, so pat yourself on the back when you avoid a problem. You did a great job keeping things safe and drama-free. What do you think has ...
Loss always feels like a crisis, doesn't it? You sense something is missing in your life and want to repair it by returning it or putting something in its place. What would happen if you allowed ...
Opportunities are all around you. It may feel like you're limited to do anything out of the ordinary — or extraordinary — because of a job or some other obligation you possess. However, if ...
Money talks; sometimes, when finances are tight due to an unexpected expense, it asks for dramatic changes. Do you have a habit you must stop or a behavior to reconsider? Might one small ...
Tough decisions are not easy to make. You may not find a simple solution without working at it long. Sometimes, when dealing with a seriously complicated problem, you may need to get advice from ...
You're a natural defender of what's right, Aries. So, when you sense injustice, you tend to call it out and are unafraid to do so. Today may be the day you decide to volunteer and get more ...
Tarot card of the week for Sagittarius: Six of Pentacles Sagittarius, the Six of Pentacles is a card of generosity encouraging community engagement. It's important to be mindful of the communities ...
Tarot card of the week for Aries: King of Cups Aries, you have the powerful King of Cups as your tarot card this week. This card urges you to be compassionate when engaging with others.
Tarot card of the week for Taurus: Queen of Cups Taurus, you have the Queen of Cups as your tarot card. This card encourages you to trust the inner currents and dig into your curiosity.
Tarot card of the week for Virgo: Seven of Swords Virgo, your tarot card for the week is the Seven of Swords, which calls for strategic action. Don't feel guilty about keeping some things to yourself.
Agree to disagree? Not everyone will view the world in the same way, and there are times when you can't fix the problem. So, what can you do? A friendship or intimate relationship may be too ...