Because you are meant to be you.' These words, simple yet powerful, set the tone for 'Iron Draped in Silk: Poetry that Heals' by Surbhi Gupta. The collection is a heartfelt exploration of ...
Don't just say "I like you" or "I love you"—make your love confession to that special someone in a more romantic way, with an unforgettable poem.
At first disturbing, the life-long artist says she transformed the images in her mind to something more peaceful.
This initiative harnesses poetry's profound and transformative power to promote healing and foster a deep sense of sisterhood ...
As a poet myself now, that fascination with the written word remains, although it has evolved from limericks to sonnets and free-verse love poems as well. I often hear from peers and students that ...
Struggling after a breakup? Try these 6 highly effective and practical ways to heal faster and build future resilience.
In "My Ireland," commissioned for Dublin’s St. Patrick’s Day Festival 2017, Irish playwright and poet Stephen James Smith pays tribute to some of the most unique, funny, and oftentimes ...
I write it out, three or four times, enough so that I know it by heart. I started memorizing poems in the spring of 2020, when I would begin my day by turning off my iPhone’s jarring marimba ...
Through comparative transcriptome analysis, Professor Kai-Chien Yang's group identified the adherens junction protein N-Cadherin as a key regulator of CM proliferation and renewal. Its expression ...
He had a doubleness at the very heart of him, and he put his contradictions into his poetry. “You do throw people off track in your poems again and again,” Thompson, the biographer ...
Heart problems are common in people who have a stroke. Heart disease is a stroke risk factor, and heart problems can develop or worsen during the acute phase of the stroke, during the recovery ...
Their poems are part of ... Opening one’s heart to the other’s grief, listening without judgment to the other’s rage, is the only route to healing a rift that grows wider by the generation.