A cow by any other name is just a cow, but a cow by the name of Jeffrey-Way Hard Rock Twigs is an elite Holstein.
“When you see the herds that have very high reproductive performance – like pregnancy rates of 50% -- they are doing a lot of ...
Mootilda, a one-day-old calf, was the star of a National Ag Day event at the New Oxford Area Library on Saturday, held by the ...
Raw cheese made with milk from dairy cattle infected with bird flu can harbor infectious virus for months and may be a risk ...
New addition to Sire Advice has potential to save dairy industry €2.2 million, writes Kevin Downing from ICBF.
Optimizing cattle nutrition for sustainable dairy farming: reduce methane emissions, boost milk production, and enhance ...
Founded in 2001 by Portia McKnight and Flo Hawley, the Chapel Hill Creamery prioritizes high-quality cheesemaking, curing, ...
Conor O’Sullivan faced ongoing challenges with fertility, high empty rates, and hoof health, threatening both efficiency and ...
Expert advice on managing dairy cattle during summer to maintain milk production and animal welfare effectively.