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Kobo Plus gives avid readers unlimited access to Kobo's library of over 2 million eBooks and 300,000 audiobooks at an ...
Onyx Boox has increased the prices for all of their e-readers and e-notebooks. The prices have gone up $10 for their most ...
Switching from Kindle Oasis to Kobo Libra Colour was the right choice, offering a better reading experience. The Kobo Libra ...
The Boox Palma is an Android-based e-ink tablet that looks and acts like a phone, but won't distract you like a phone. It can ...
The Amazon Kindle has had its day — it's time to move on to pastures new. Here's why I'm leaving Amazon, and which e-reader ...
The Kobo Clara BW is an excellent black and white e-reader, and usually, it would be an easy recommendation. However, I can't ...
The entry-level Amazon Kindle offers a great reading experience, a sharp e-ink display and a battery life that lasts for ...
Upgrade your e-reader experience with these picks!
Rakuten has launched an official Kobo store on Amazon for the first time. Kobo offers an affordable range of e-readers, and ...
Americans can now order Kobo e-readers and accessories from Amazon via Rakuten Kobo’s new storefront. Rakuten’s Amazon online ...