Vietnam is recalibrating its energy strategy for the decade, lowering targets for gas and offshore wind projects while boosting coal and other renewable sources to meet growing power demands. This ...
Security, as Thomas Hobbes famously recognised in his Leviathan of 1651, is always at risk in an anarchic world where there is no single common power to enforce it. Frontiers are a touchstone of ...
Due to the changing nature of covid regulations the assessment and delivery portion of modules may change. Any changes will be communicated to you by the module coordinators.
From accounting to business analytics, finance to supply chain management, Price students are ready to lead in a changing world. Whether you're a budding entrepreneur with a billion-dollar idea or a ...
At the December 3 sitting of the court, Paul Cummins, of Parsonstown, Carbury, was charged on nine different counts of animal cruelty on his land in the Carbury area in April 2018. The case has been ...
A little more than two centuries ago, Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury published his great treatise on government, under the title of Leviathan; or, the Matter, Form, and Power of the Commonwealth ...