Classical models of collective behaviour fail to explain the mechanisms driving desert locust swarms – an ecological phenomenon that affects millions of lives worldwide. This research, conducted by ...
In the case of locusts—the migratory swarming form of certain asocial grasshoppers—their sense of smell is intimately tied to their physical and communal transformation. Certain environmental ...
Locusts boiled in soy sauce and sugar are widely ... Kikuchi knows these are early days, but he is hopeful of establishing a profitable insect brand within three to five years.
Environment authorities have flagged the high chance of a locust outbreak in parts of New South Wales, with the pests gaining an infamous reputation for how large and rapid a swarm can develop.
the exoskeletons found amongst the abnormally large insect denizens of the Realms provide an alternative means to even the odds. In Nightingale, Chitin (Tier 1 Monarch Locust) is considered a ...