Pitmaster Phil “The Grill” Johnson won the sandwich category at the World Food Championships with his Green Chili Mojo Roast ...
Often mistaken for mold, this gross gunk is actually a bacteria called Serratia marcescens — and it can trigger major health problems if left to thrive. “This bacteria loves moist places and ...
A mold is a microscopic fungus that grows and lives on plant or animal matter or on nonorganic objects. Most molds are made up of filaments and reproduce through the production of spores. Spores ...
During a Jan. 28 visit, a state inspector found items in the walk-in cooler — including pumpkin puree and diced cheese — that were adulterated with a mold-like substance. Also, several food ...
Learn more › If you’re trying to prevent mold from messing with your lungs, there are air purifiers that are made just for that. You find mold in places that encounter a lot of contact with ...
mold is a faster drop-in replacement for existing Unix linkers. It is several times quicker than the LLVM lld linker, the second-fastest open-source linker, which I initially developed a few years ago ...