Invasion of the Bee Girls mixes sci-fi and horror with campy elements of '50s B-movies, making for a very entertaining ...
Like other horror B-movies, Mr. Crocket rises above familiarity ... of the last two Ridley Scott movies and back to the good old space slashers. Spaney is a capable lead, and the action is ...
"Now take her heart from her chest and then..." "I shall have it all." Entertainment Squad & The Horror Collective have ...
That being said, I love horror-comedy movies and would even say that some of the best horror movies of all time have successfully managed to be as frightening as they are funny. See for yourself ...
Watching this classic a half-century after its release, one is struck by how much it holds up today, tackling issues and reshaping horror movie language in a way that will never grow old.
That has increasingly resulted in a lot of original horror movies on Shudder. Today, the Shudder library is typically one of the more eclectic that can be found on the web, with more depth and ...
not just for the gory horror films you’ll find there, but for the sheer haphazardness of the journey. As a free, ad-supported streaming service, Tubi horror has one major thing going for it ...
The film itself is quite campy, embracing its B-movie sensibilities ... supernatural horror movie The Watchers, which she also wrote. Dakota Fanning stars as Mina, a 28-year-old artist who becomes ...
Everyone needs a good break from reality now and then, and horror can be the best way to ... like Russell Crowe commit so completely to a B-movie this ludicrous. Crowe is all-in as the infamous ...