This consists of a 3-15 metre wide silicate-ankerite alteration envelope within a magnetite bearing quartz gabbro sill near the upper contact with dacitic flows and tuffs. The auriferous ...
This consists of a 3-15 metre wide silicate-ankerite alteration envelope within a magnetite bearing quartz gabbro sill near the upper contact with dacitic flows and tuffs. The auriferous ...
The two DDH holes at the Lake Owen Project targeted titanium (TiO 2) and vanadium (V 2 O 5) mineralization associated with magnetite in gabbro, as well as potential reef style PGE mineralization.
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Magnetite content in the gabbro in hole LO24-01 is consistently about 5-10%. In LO24-01, the limited sampling to date suggests a large zone of titanium and vanadium-enrichment and higher relative ...
The researchers say the same kiln designs used to make cement could produce the needed materials using abundant magnesium silicates such as olivine or serpentine, which is found in California, the ...
A REPORT of the discovery of olivine in the Orgueil carbonaceous meteorite 1 aroused considerable scepticism 2,3. The identification was based on selected area electron diffraction patterns ...
Article Views are the COUNTER-compliant sum of full text article downloads since November 2008 (both PDF and HTML) across all institutions and individuals. These metrics are regularly updated to ...
cobalt deposits over 1.6 km strike and identified a new prospective copper exploration target within volcanics along the gabbro intrusive contact (see press release February 13, 2025). Many of the ...
The xenoliths are spinel lherzolites with a subhedral granular texture (Figures 4J–L) and they contain olivine (95%) with minor amounts of spinel, clinopyroxene, and orthopyroxene (<5%). The gabbro is ...
Spreading olivine powder in seawater to enhance alkalinity through weathering reactions has been proposed as a potential solution to control atmospheric CO 2 concentration. Attention has usually been ...