People in the end will understand that it’s beautiful public art," Quincy Mayor Thomas Koch said in a radio interview. The ...
Frassati, born in 1901 in Turin, Italy, died at the young age of 24, after contracting polio, 100 years ago this July. A ...
Today, the Salesians operate in over 130 countries. In 1923, Pope Pius XI declared Saint Francis de Sales the patron of Catholic writers. This decision stems from the creative methods Francis ...
The Carmelite church at Whitefriar Street in Dublin is an unlikely but popular pilgrimage site for couples, who can venerate ...
Au Xe siècle, le crâne de Saint-Valentin est transféré d'Italie à l'abbaye Saint-Michel de Cuxa, offert par un pape. Placée ...
Quincy City Council President Ian Cain has called for "further discussion" of large religious statuary set to adorn the new police headquarters.
Samedi 1er   février, le père Raj a célébré dans l’église communale la messe solennelle en l’honneur de Saint-Blaise, patron ...
The cost of Valentine’s Day has risen exponentially in comparison to previous years, new CSO statistics suggest.
[VIDÉO] Laurent Wauquiez a annoncé ce jeudi sa candidature à la présidence de LR au "Figaro". Il sera opposé à Bruno Retailleau, qui avait officialisé sa candidature hier. Laurent Wauquiez a critiqué ...
Join the world’s biggest celebration in Dublin, then follow the saint’s trail through breathtaking landscapes and historic ...
Julien Étourneau, qui a géré le Rum Runners et Aux Bons Vivants à Saint-Jean-d’Angély, a rejoint Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle ...
A recent Eucharistic procession in Derry, Ireland, highlighted an inspiring revival of Catholic faith in a city synonymous with some dark days in Ireland’s troubled history.