Louisiana made big gains on a closely watched national test, with its 4th graders leading the country in reading progress and ...
What Louisiana's school letter grades don’t tell us about school quality. Despite our F grade, the students at Noble Minds are not failing, and we are not failing our students.
Educators need more professional development at the intersection of early childhood education and literacy instruction, ...
This week, we conclude our series on the causes of American students’ reading decline by discussing the impacts of low ...
There’s no one silver bullet that will guarantee a child becomes a skilled and avid reader. But here are some things you can ...
In 2022, only 32% of 4th grade students in Georgia were proficient readers. However, reading proficiency by this grade ...
The MYRCA Book Club at Oakville School is bring a love for reading among students with its focus on Canadian authors and ...
By Pamela Good Guest columnist For decades, our country has been setting millions of young people up for failure. We send children to school believing they will learn to read, yet the illiteracy ...
Nearly everyone backs the science of reading. Why did it take eight years to update the UNC System's literacy curriculum?
Once China produced weapons-grade uranium, it assembled its first atomic bomb in as little as three to five weeks. Iran may ...
OG focuses on explicit phonics, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension, with a strong emphasis on the connection between sounds and letters. By using auditory, visual, and kinesthetic modalities, ...
Data show that recent presidents especially have started their terms with unifying language. Words like "together," "us," ...