Feb. 15, 9-10:30 a.m. (Kids Art & Play); 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. (Sensory Saturday) $12 (children age 1 and older); free (parents ...
On the latest installment of Motivational Monday Hello Wisconsin’s Ellie Pomerleau highlighted a free community event at the Children’s Museum of Eau Claire created to accommodate people with ...
Your brain constantly juggles sensory information to make split-second decisions, but how? A new latent circuit model ...
A mum of two young children who runs sensory classes in the Mansfield area has shared her “joy” at being nominated for a ...
A growing number of airports around the world provide sensory rooms, dedicated areas of calm to help ease some of the stress ...
A new mathematical model sheds light on how the brain processes different cues, such as sights and sounds, during decision making.
The goal of the campaign is to fund a major $1 million renovation project at the New Hope museum for the next generation of ...
A new state-of-the-art trampoline and activity park, Oxygen will open at MediaCity on Monday, February 17, just in time for ...
Having a list of fun indoor play spaces in Houston is a must practically all year, since we're often navigating either hot ...
The Appleton library is in the same location on Appleton Street but inside, things look completely different. Local 5 got a ...
Rorie Wells Ellerson, Goddard’s Learning Environments Manager, talks about how water play, cooking, and sensory bins are all ...
An immersive children’s festival hopes to draw children to the real playground with a kiddie rave party, a space station and ...