The mirror then shows Shrek's hand swiping through three different Shrek memes, using the mirror as an app. There's a relatively tame sunglasses filter with the obligatory "duckface" expression ...
While not everyone is on board with the changes, the return of Shrek has undeniably sparked excitement.
Nearly a decade after its release, Dreamworks launched the official Shrek Facebook page. Cute and innocent enough. But they probably didn’t realize there was already a huge Shrek fan community ...
The teaser is just over 30 seconds long, but it involves Shrek looking at a bunch of Shrek memes via the Magic Mirror. We got dancing Shrek in tight leather TikTok filter, buff Shrek, and glam Shrek.
“Oh god, the Shrek universe has become aware of its meme status; that’s gonna be insufferable ... More supportive fans, on the other hand, defended the new style as the series’ natural ...