The result is we now have some identified sorghum and sorghum crosses that are more tolerant to SCA. This offers you a good option if you are considering a summer annual forage crop. Here is a list of ...
Before Sugar Cane Aphids (SCA) forage sorghum, Sudan grass and hay grazers were big crops in the area. Around 2014 we started seeing considerable damage to these forage crops from ...
INNSCOR Africa Limited, through its agriculture division PHI, has injected US$10,4 million into the current summer cropping ...
Cultivation of millets, their processing and sales are gaining momentum in the districts of Kurnool and Nandyal districts, ...
Tirupur: Paddy cultivation has resumed at Thoravalur near Avinashi in the district after a gap of 52 years, thanks to the ...
The federal government has not reimbursed K-State for about $1 million in expenses related to its work on global food ...
It put him "very out of my element. But I just fell in love with it." Amata has since grown six popular varieties of the ...
Sorghum is an increasingly important crop for animal and human nutrition, especially in arid and semi-arid regions, due to ...
In the heart of Laikipia's semi-arid landscape, an unexpected green oasis is taking root. Dedan Kimathi Foundation Thome Village, located 20 kilometres from Rumuruti town, has become ground zero for ...
The first big opportunity with male sterile hybrids is they don’t develop the grains, so you don’t have to worry about ...