The content discusses the Gothic art movement from 1140 to 1500 AD in Europe, emphasizing its philosophical underpinnings that combined faith and reason. Gothic architecture, exemplified by cathedrals ...
A stained-glass window, donated in 1877 to a church in ... Now in the Memphis Brooks Museum of Art, the window was made by the studio of Henry Sharp, a prominent 19th-century American stained ...
Stained glass reflects the centrality of religion to medieval life. Wealthy donors paid for artworks to be put into churches; for the glory of God and to remind their contemporaries to pray for them.
"To the Glory of God and to the memory of one million British Empire dead who fell in the Great War, many of whom rest in Belgium." From the devastated cathedral the piece of leaded stained glass ...
In the windows at the west end of the aisles of the nave are composite figures made of fragments of early glass. These figures are thought to represent St Edward and Edward the "Black" Prince. Around ...