A riotous photography collection from a recent underwater mission off the coast of Chile shows new and fascinating deep-sea ...
(Web Desk) - The blobfish, described as the world's ugliest animal, has been voted fish of the year in New Zealand. The ...
I’ve spent countless hours searching for exceptional food in unexpected places, and let me tell you, finding lobster this good in Indiana is like stumbling upon a flamingo at a chicken farm—surprising ...
The blobfish, the world's ugliest animal, has been voted New Zealand's fish of the year. The creature grows to about 12 ...
The blobfish is specially adapted to life in the deep ocean, but it looks like a shapeless blob when brought to the surface.
Once dubbed the "world's ugliest animal," the blobfish – scientific name Psychrolutes marcidus – has been named New Zealand's ...
The blobfish resembles a normal fish in its deep sea habitat but when brought to the surface, it morphs into a mushy creature ...
The presser mentioned that orange roughy, also deep sea fish, weren't able to turn the tide despite gaining late endorsements ...
It may look a little sad, but the blobfish, once crowned the world’s ugliest animal, has plenty of reasons to smile after ...
The blobfish - once labelled the world's ugliest animal - has scored a sensational victory in New Zealand's Fish of the Year ...