U.S. Secret Service Uniformed Division officers observed a child slip through the White House north fence. Officers quickly ...
A high-security breach at the White House on Wednesday took an unexpectedly heartwarming turn when the 'intruder' turned out ...
A child slipped through the White House fence and was intercepted by Secret Service officers. The young trespasser was ...
Well, it wasn't exactly a gunman or would-be assassin, but the Secret Service successfully apprehended a rogue individual who ...
A young child breached the White House perimeter by crawling through the fencing near the North Lawn. Secret Service ...
A child slipped through fencing outside the White House on Wednesday and was intercepted by Secret Service officers.
Just after 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, U.S. Secret Service Uniformed Division officers observed a child slip through the White ...
A small child slipped through the White House fence onto the North Lawn before being stopped by Secret Service officers. The ...
WASHINGTON (AP) — A child slipped through fencing outside the White House on Wednesday and was intercepted by Secret Service officers. Secret Service spokesperson Anthony Guglielmi said the ...