The New York-based art research company, LMI International, has bought and analyzed another painting in a bid to prove its doubters wrong.
With me to opine is Kate Brown, Artnet’s senior editor and co-host of this Art Angle, calling from Berlin, and Annie ...
Bought for $50 this painting's new owner claims 'Elimar' was indeed painted by the famous artist is is worth at least $15 million. Not everyone agrees. This painting was plucked from a Minnesota ...
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Another painting attributed to Henning Elimar, of Svendstrupt Church in Aalborg, Denmark, was sold on Etsy in September for around $250. However, the work is dated to 1933 by the seller ...
Named 'Elimar,' the painting underwent extensive analysis and experts found materials matching Van Gogh's time. However, the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam maintains it is not authentic. A ...
Named Elimar, the piece is a thick impasto oil painting of a fisherman holding a pipe in his mouth; he sports a white beard and a round brown hat. The fisherman also appears to be repairing his ...
An Instagram Post from the LMI Group, an art research organization, details that Van Gogh made the painting –attributed to “Elimar” in the bottom right corner – during a “tumultuous ...
coup de pot•« Elimar » (1889), acheté par un collectionneur d’antiquités pour une bouchée de pain dans un vide-greniers aux Etats-Unis, serait un authentique Van Gogh d’après de ...
The painting, measuring just 18 by 16 inches, in question bears the inscription “Elimar” in the bottom right corner and depicts a fisherman with a small white beard smoking a pipe as he repairs his ...