The Mohali ANTF initially arrested two persons, constable Gurmeet Singh and Navdeep Kaur, reportedly carrying 440-gm heroin in Mauli Baidwan village, Sector 80, on July 17.
NFL coaching legend Bill Belichick sent shockwaves through the U.S. when he announced that he was headed for college football ...
Melgoza, 30, is in his second season as an assistant coach at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. He spent last summer as ...
It's not the first time the GM has weighed in on the process of Belichick acclimating to the college world and it likely won't be the last.
General Motors Company GM has entered into a multimillion-dollar agreement with Norwegian battery supplier, Vianode, to secure synthetic graphite anode materials starting in 2027. The deal is set to ...