Folks celebrated Ash Wednesday March 5, a holy day of prayer and repentance for Christians. READ MORE: ...
Rev. Rik Rasmussen of St. Paul's Episcopal Church stood on the corner of 15th & J Streets in downtown Sacramento Wednesday ...
As Christians around the world mark the start of the season of Lent at Ash Wednesday services, the pope is taking part in ...
Why people walk around with a smudged cross of ashes on their foreheads on Lent and why do Christians give things up for this ...
Pioneer Presbyterian Church offered members of the community an opportunity to observe the beginning of Lent outside of the ...
Roman Catholic, Episcopal and many other liturgical churches hold services today that include the rubbing of ashes on the forehead, a sign of repentance for sins. Lent is a season of 40 days, not ...
Some churches on the Northshore are making it easier than ever to receive ashes without stepping inside of a church ...
March 4 meant an annual milestone for thousands of local residents, possibly including participation in an Ash Wednesday ...
Many Maryland Christians marked Ash Wednesday with special services as Lent begins. With 46 days until Easter Sunday, churches across the Baltimore area found ways to make it easier to help more ...
Families throughout Blawnox and nearby communities flocked to St. Edward Church to receive ashes on Ash. Pews were packed at ...
Pioneer Presbyterian Church offered members of the community an opportunity to observe the beginning of Lent outside of the ...
WJAC provides news, weather and sports information for Johnstown, Altoona, State College and DuBois, Pennsylvania. Our ...