Strictly speaking, the herd is not anti-White. However, since Whites — Anglo-Saxon Pioneers — are the founding group of this ...
To greater and lesser extents, our economies are based around social mobility rather than the ability to live in dignity ...
The carpetbaggers came from the groups enfranchised by the overthrowing of the Anglo-Saxon order in the South. Most of the ...
These ancient Irish genomes each show unequivocal evidence for massive migration. The early farmer has a majority ancestry ...
After years of bemoaning overpopulation, the experts find themselves confronting a different problem: we may have too few ...
January 6th was a Reichstag fire or beer hall putsch depending on who is talking, but one wonders: for which side? It seemed ...
Although this comes to us through Kwanzaa celebrations — one of those idealistic projects like Esperanto designed to unite ...
Italian clusters separated into three main groups: Sardinia, Northern (North/Central-North Italy), and Southern Italy ...
Another day, another “modern miracle” goes down in flames as it turns out that like insurance, modern meds may simply be a loan that becomes due later with greater pain. On the chopping block ...
Today, a brief look at Asiatic admixture among Slavs: ...