Researchers have taken a key step toward faster, more energy-efficient artificial intelligence, and data processing in ...
Scientists have developed a nanopore-based tool that could help diagnose illnesses much faster and with greater precision ...
Researchers developed a method for extracting gold from electronics waste, then using the recovered precious metal as a ...
Researchers engineer a graphene aerogel with nanoscale corrugated walls that achieves both high stiffness and 90% elasticity, ...
UVC microLED has showcased the viability of a lowered cost maskless photolithography through the provision of adequate light ...
Living algae microrobots deliver drugs, generate oxygen, and respond to light guidance to achieve significant tumor ...
Together with colleagues from Poland, Germany, France, and Italy, Grubišić-Čabo and her team studied sheets of a 2D material ...
(Nanowerk News) Exploiting an ingenious combination of photochemical (i.e., light-induced) reactions and self-assembly processes, a team led by Prof. Alberto Credi of the University of Bologna has ...
Researchers have created a perpendicular magnetized film that may change the game for spintronics memory devices.