The device was not included as a potential treatment despite sham-controlled evidence showing it reduces patient symptoms.
With the pandemic having worsened burnout and intent to leave, the authors say keeping and supporting the workforce is ...
The inability of QFR to rival FFR for 1-year MACE is a reminder of the need for large studies, even when new tech is enticing ...
Newer therapies for multiple conditions were major stories this year, but long-term HF survival gains seem to have vanished.
Check out all our end-of-year content—the latest Heart Sounds podcast reviews the reporters’ own favorite stories for 2024, ...
More than ever, early-career physicians are looking for ways to fill gaps left by traditional education while maximizing ...
The year had a lot to offer, from advanced therapies aimed at Lp(a), GLP-1, and other targets, to support for simpler ...
Both EACTS and STS have taken measures against bullying, disrespect, and other harmful behavior. Others may follow suit.
The year saw much-anticipated data on the value of early TAVI vs surveillance, plus two new tricuspid device approvals.