Granoblastic - Wikipedia
Granoblastic is an adjective describing an anhedral phaneritic equi-granular metamorphic rock texture. Granoblastic texture is typical of quartzite, marble, charnockites and other non-foliated metamorphic rocks without porphyroblasts.
Granoblastic texture - ALEX STREKEISEN
Granoblastic texture is typical of quartzite, marble (also called saccaroid) and other non-foliated metamorphic rocks like hornfels. A rock that has a granoblastic texture can be termed a granofels.
Granoblastic texture - (Intro to Geology) - Fiveable
Granoblastic texture refers to a type of metamorphic rock texture characterized by equidimensional, interlocking grains that are typically of similar size.
Textures of Metamorphic Rocks – Geology In
Granoblastic texture is a non-foliated metamorphic texture that is characterized by the interlocking of equal-sized mineral grains. Granoblastic rocks are typically medium- to coarse-grained and have a smooth, even texture.
Granoblastic Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of GRANOBLASTIC is having a texture in which the fragments are irregular and angular and appear like a mosaic under the microscope.
Granoblastic - composed of crystals of the same size. Fine- to medium-grained metamorphic rocks that are Al-poor (quartzites, marbles) are commonly granoblastic. Porphyroclastic - Coarse, relict , deformed crystals ( porphyroclasts ) set in a fine grained, sometimes mylonitic matrix.
Granoblastic Polygonal Texture - ALEX STREKEISEN
A granoblastic texture is an equigranular texture in which crystals adopt a polygonal morphology with grain triple junctions of approximately 120 degrees. The formation of granoblastic textures occurs to minimise the combined surface energy of phases within a rock.
Understanding Granoblastic Rocks: Characteristics, Types, and …
Discover the different types of granoblastic rocks and how they can provide valuable information about magma or lava cooling history. Learn about the unique features of granoblastic rocks, including their composition, formation processes, and importance in geology.
Textures - Virtual Microscope
Granoblastic texture is a typical texture in rocks that have been metamorphosed in high conditions (increased pressure and temperature). This texture can be recognized in a rock when polygonal patterns are forming between the mineral grains.
Textures of metamorphic rocks | SpringerLink
Granuloblastic ( granoblastic polygonal): —a texture due to a mosaic of xenoblasts with smooth intergranular boundaries or straight edges approximating to a polygonal arrangement, as in many rocks of the granulite facies.