Home - Winning Consortium Simandou
Consortium. Visions and Values; Shareholders; Business. Mining; Railway; Port; Sustainability. PROJECT DESCRIPTION; LOCAL EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING STRATEGY: EMPLOYMENT FOR GUINEANS; WCS Code Of Business Conduct And Ethics; Sustainability Policy; Land Acquisition, Compensation and Resettlement Framework (LACRF) for the Simandou Port, Railway and ...
Consortium - Winning Consortium Simandou
Winning Consortium Simandou is a Consortium set up by the founders of SMB Winning Consortium, namely Winning International Group from Singapore and China Hongqiao. The company WCS and its affiliates will develop and operate the open pit iron ore mine, the railway, the port and an airport.
PROJECT DESCRIPTION - Winning Consortium Simandou
Winning Consortium Simandou (“WCS”) plans on commencing an iron ore mine in the Kankan Region, Kérouané Prefecture of Guinea, Africa. The Simandou area (Figure 1) is split into four mineable blocks, Block #1, #2, #3 and #4, of which Block #1 and Block#2 (Figure 2) are owned by WCS and is where the Simandou Project is located.
Winning Consortium and China Baowu sign milestone Agreement …
The mining rights for Simandou Iron Ore Blocks I and II are now under the ownership of Winning Consortium Simandou Holdings Pte. Ltd., with iron ore reserves totaling 1.8 billion tonnes. China Baowu Steel Group Corp. is the world’s largest steel company.
Home - Winning Consortium Simandou
Cadre de Politique de Réinstallation : Acquisition de Terres, de Compensation et de Réinstallation (ATCR) Pour le Port, le Chemin de Fer et la Mine de Simandou; Grievance Mechanism V2.0; Contact
À propos de nous - Winning Consortium Simandou
Winning Consortium Simandou (WCS) est un Consortium créé par les fondateurs de SMB-Winning Consortium, à savoir Winning International Group de Singapour et China Hongqiao Group. WCS et ses affiliés développeront et exploiteront la mine de fer à ciel ouvert, le chemin de fer, le port et un aéroport.
Mining - Winning Consortium Simandou
Winning Consortium Simandou (WCS) is a Consortium whose shareholders include Winning International Group, China Shandong Weiqiao Group and China Baowu Steel Group. It obtained the mining concession for blocks #1 and #2 of the Simandou iron ore deposit, having emerged as the successful bidder in the public tender.
Latest News Archives - Winning Consortium Simandou
Winning Consortium Simandou (WCS)1 and Rio Tinto Simfer2 have signed investment agreements in relation to the construction of the Trans-Guinean railway and port infrastructure, marking a further major mil…
Winning Consortium and Baowu Resources have signed the key …
Singapore, 30 september – Winning Consortium Holdings Pte Ltd. (Singapore) and Baowu Resources Co., Ltd. have signed the key terms of the cooperation agreement within the framework of the Simandou North project (blocks 1 and 2).
关于联盟 - Winning Consortium Simandou
西芒杜赢联盟(Winning Consortium Simandou,以下简称“WCS”) 计划在非洲几内亚康康大区凯鲁阿内省开发西芒杜铁矿。西芒杜矿山分为四个可开采矿块,赢联盟西芒杜项目位于1号和 2号矿块,WCS持有其100%的特许权。